Every Tuesday and Friday night you will be entertained by DJ Miles and The Legendary DJ KittKatt “Live” in the Mix! from 7pm-9pm on Tuesday evenings, and 7pm-10pm on Friday evenings.

Takin Ya Back Tuesdays in the mix

Tune in on your computer via the KJAMS Radio website player at the bottom of the page, stream us via iTunes internet radio - 80’s flashback, internet radio on your Apple TV or from your smartphone via the tune-in or simple radio apps.

On the Takin Ya Back Tuesday Show, both dj’s mix all your favorite old school, hip-hop, funk, freestyle & R&B dance trax to take you back to the 70’s 80’s and 90’s

Vide Stream:

If you want to watch the shows and see the mixing “Live” you can stream us via the KJAMS Radio website at the bottom of the page right above the audio player. Make sure you mute the audio player and press play on the video stream. We also stream to other platforms like Vimeo, Youtube, Periscope, and FB Live, although FB Live and Youtube sometimes block content because of music rights on their platform.